Mold Remediation

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus. It is just one species or micro-organism that belongs to the Kingdom Fungi. Mold will grow wherever the conditions allow. It consists of small organisms that can virtually live and thrive anywhere that is moist. Mold is harmless in small amounts; you are actually exposed to it on a daily basis as lightweight spores travel through the air. Contrary to what some may say, mold is not the same as bacteria. Both are naturally occurring, but mold is fungi and belongs to the Kingdom Fungi while Bacteria is a microorganism onto itself.

Type of Mold

Mold is grouped into three broad categories based on health impacts. These three categories are

●      Allergenic - Mold under this grouping causes allergic reactions such as asthma attacks.

●      Pathogenic - Mold within this specific group causes infection in humans (even the healthiest ones).

●      Toxigenic - This particular grouping of mold can lead to deadly effects on your health.

Common Types of Household Mold

Mold naturally occurs based on environmental factors. It may be minor, but it may also be very serious. Mold can pose health risks and can cause severe damage to your home and contents.

●      Alternaria - This is an allergenic mold that is characterized by its dark green and or brown hairs with a velvet texture.

●      Aspergillus - An allergenic mold that has over 185 species occurring in a variety of colors. This type of mold, though allergenic, has the potential to evolve into a toxigenic mold.

●      Aureobasidium - Usually starts out looking pink and then evolves into a variety of colors over time. It is an allergenic mold that can cause skin rashes and is usually found behind wallpapers and on painted wooden surfaces.

●      Chaetomium - Can be found in water-damaged homes and has a hallmark signature musty smell. This type of mold is toxic and can lead to deadly health conditions.

●      Cladosporium - Can grow in warm or cold conditions and is an allergenic mold.

●       Stachybotrys - The infamous Black Mold. Thrives in damp or wet areas such as showers and is a toxigenic mold.


This list does not exhaust the common types of mold that may be found in your home but a general rule to know if you have mold is to identify the color and texture. Mold comes in a variety of colors but the most common ones are black, white, orange, dark green, blue and brown. Mold grows in patches with a velvety texture.

Health and Home Risks

Mold can cause lung infections, respiratory complications, asthma attacks, and eye, skin and throat irritation.

Mold inspection is important in combating the issue. Without proper mold remediation and or mold treatment mold can spread rapidly and cause loss of life. You may also pay a hefty sum for repairs and mold abatement if little to no attention is paid to mold remediation and treatment.

What to do If you encounter mold at home:

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Early Detection is the Key

As not all mold is toxic or will effect every person - early defection will help preventing mold spread onto other areas and prevent mold spores reproducing and growing to becoming a big issue.

If you caught it early enough - some house hold products and/or do it yourself products might help you eliminate the problem without the need for professional remediation.


Contain the area

Do not touch the mold!

  • If you can - close the door and limit access to the area for humans or pets.

  • If the room have air vent - try and close it; moving air in the contaminated area can spread the airborne mold even further to other parts of the house.

  • if there is water leak - shut off the main water valve.


Call Proper Homes

Proper Homes technician have the skills and knowledge to combat the issue and restore your home to its proper condition! our technician have gone through extensive studies and exams and is OSHA training certified for Mold, Mold Prevention and Mold Remediation:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Mold doesn’t sleep and so are we! We are available 24/7 for mold remediation. We will perform mold remediation and removal so you can sleep well at night.


We Use only the best tools to fight mold:


Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation

Proper Homes use high grade UV-C lamps to disinfect, sterilize and kill mold, those type of ultraviolet light fixture are being use in hospitals to kill and sterilize surgery rooms and even PPE equipment.

Proper Homes mold remediation method use short-wavelength UV-C light to kill or inactivate microorganism by destroying their nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA.

We can even install one in your air handler for healthier and cleaner air.


Multi Stage Air Filtration System

Proper Homes use the latest negative pressure air scrubber with the best HEPA air filters in the market to clean the air in the infected area and make sure we capture and clean 99.97% particles down to 0.3 microns.


No Harmful Chemicals

Proper Homes commit to use only the best supply for mold remediation and mold removal by using products with no harmful chemicals.

We take our best measures to keep our customers and technicians healthy and help save the environment.

Not only our mold remediation cleaning proecess will kill any existing mold but will also leave a thin protective layer to keep mold out and prevent mold re-growth.